Balvant Parekh Centre for
General Semantics and
Other Human Sciences
Who We are
About Balvant Parekh Centre
The Centre is registered as a charitable trust under the provisions of Bombay Public Trusts Act of 1950 and administered by a Board of Trust with members from diverse backgrounds and experiences. The Centre aims to promote the study of general semantics and other human sciences in India. The Centre is included in the Directory of Programs, Centers and Projects, of the International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs (ICCTP) housed at UC Berkeley.

The Centre houses a library with over 12000 books and reading rooms, a conference hall, a seminar room and an administrative office. It shares these facilities with the Forum on Contemporary Theory, which is also involved in academic activities of inter-disciplinary nature.
Both the Centre and the Forum work in close proximity and complement each other through their academic events and research works.The Centre’s library is meant for the use of both serious academics interested in research and common readers. The library has two sections: general and specialized. Books from the general section could be borrowed by the members; books from the specialized section are meant to be used in the library only. The library is kept open from 11:00 am to 5:30 pm, Monday through Saturday.
Our Publications
Academic Programmes and Publications
The Centre organises several academic programmes throughout the year in Baroda and across the country, which include an annual Balvant Parekh Memorial Lecture, workshops and seminars in general semantics and related topics, symposia and certificate courses in collaboration with other educational institutions.
The Balvant Parekh Distinguished Lecture was renamed as Balvant Parekh Memorial Lecture after the passing away of Balvantbhai on January 25, 2013.