
Mistakes we all make when we first get published
- Oct 5, 2023
- 10:00am

Know your worst enemies: fiction authors update
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Know your worst enemies: fiction authors update
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut eli

Know your worst enemies: fiction authors update
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut
Anekaant: A Journal of Polysemic Thought (ISSN 2320-6195) is published twice a year (Autumn and Spring) by Balvant Parekh Centre for General Semantics and Other Human Sciences, Baroda, India. Its objective is to engage with ideas emanating from the discipline of General Semantics, and from other disciplines under the broad rubric of the human sciences. As the human sciences include several areas of thought and their application, the range of the Journal’s coverage is both open-ended and inclusive.
It provides a forum for a dialogue among both scholars and non-scholars on topics of contemporary relevance that have some bearing on our everyday reality. Articles submitted for possible publication in the Journal must be written in a style devoid of academic jargon so that they are easily intelligible to general readers. It will also have a book-review section, where books related to the areas of the Journal’s concerns will be discussed.
To be updated